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A question for gardeners and jammers.....


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Would it be OK to harvest rhubarb today?


I was thinking of starting to winterize parts of my garden this week and I usually start with my rhubarb. When I went out the stalks were beautiful, even more beautiful than the first crop I pulled earlier this summer. I was wanting to put some rhubarb jam up for the winter so I was thinking instead of compositing perfectly good stalks should I make up some jam this week instead?


Anyone have compelling evidence to say this is a bad idea?

(Just to let you know I am not worried about killing the plants, they are very hearty and I have harvested late before!)

Thanks ahead of time!

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Is there a way to taste a sample to make sure of the quality? If it is good, I'd proceed. Here in our part of the world we have a second 'spring' in early fall. Everything breaks the summer dormancy caused by our lovely heat. Great time for flowers and some veggies.


Good luck.

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Thanks for thinking of this! I'm going to make some stewed rhubarb right now while dc are doing math.


Don't harvest the rhubarb now! Please! Don't! The plant needs those last leaves and stems to gather as much energy as it can to store in the roots until spring. If you harvest now, the plant will pull more food and energy out of the roots to make new leaves to replace the ones you took, thus weakening the plant. I'm not saying you'll kill it outright, but a weak plant may not survive the winter and it will not produce well for you next spring.


Harvest rhubarb in the spring and early summer, then let the plant rest and restore itself for the summer and fall. Your harvest next spring will thank you.

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Don't harvest the rhubarb now! Please! Don't!




So you feel very strongly that to harvest it now would do some harm?:lol:


OK, let's talk. So what if one had a plant that was 7 feet across and talking up lots of space. And said plant was harvested off of last year in late August with an early winter following. This plant is bigger this year than last and keeps on keeping on. Do you still feel like it would put the plant at risk? I do not want to kill it but so far anything I do seems to make it grow even better.


(I'm afraid in a whinny voice....and I really want some more rhubarb jam.....) Do you still think I shouldn't? :bigear:

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