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testing for Chalkdust Prealgebra?


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My ds 12 just finished section 2 of Chalkdust Prealg. For those of you whose dc use it, how do you test or evaluate them? I am wondering if there are tests to see how well he is learning each section. He mainly does it all himself by watching the DVD, doing the problems, then checking them. Sometimes, he will come to me to ask me for help with some problems.


I would like to know how to check for retention. He seems to be going through it rather quickly (about 1 section/day) so I don't know how well he's learning the material although unit 1 was mainly review for him.


He is doing approximately 30 problems for each section, sometimes more or less depending how how many problems are there. I have him do every other one, or every 3rd or 4th problem if there are more problems. So far, he has gotten either perfect or only one or two wrong in each section.




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