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CollegeBoard grrrr


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So, ds is a transfer student. He's found out he can use an AP score to satisfy a social science requirement. He took that exam and scored a 5 in spring 2010. CollegeBoard has a paper process for scores that old. On the form the AP code of the college where they are sending the score is requested.

I can't find codes on the CB website. I called the university. They didn't know their own code. I called CB. after 30 minutes on the phone with one of their AP specialists, I was told she couldn't find it and I should leave it blank.


This is a state university that is not brand new.


Why is there not an easy search on the website where I put in the school name and get all the applicable CB codes for the school. It should be easy. It shouldn't be so difficult their own employee can't find it.


I'm sure CB will have no trouble charging my credit card. Will they send the score to the current place? Will they blame me for mo filling in the code they don't seem to know.

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Why didn't CB tell me that. Why didn't their own staff know. I already faxed the form and credit card info. I will wait and see. No matter what happens I feel frustrated the I have to pay an organization that is so incompatant.


They are the very definition of a monopoly.  They have no incentive to improve customer service.  We can take heart that some private schools are pulling out of the AP business.  Good for them.  

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They are the very definition of a monopoly.  They have no incentive to improve customer service.  We can take heart that some private schools are pulling out of the AP business.  Good for them.  

Public schools too. Locally, the discount per student on DE is such that it is actually cheaper per student than paying a faculty member to teach these courses plus the cost of testing, and test prep. Many of the DE kids are now taking coursework online which puts everything in the lap of a college professor. No need to pay for testing. No need to find someone highly qualified (hard in our rural area in math and science so AP's do put a real burden on the teachers holding these certifications when the schools have decreased staffing but increased remedial classes) to do the job. Others, like the schools in Genesee County, have an agreement with U of MI Flint for DE that is just amazing. County wide it is much cheaper than AP, and less complicated. The less complicated part is particularly attractive.


There may be a time of reckoning coming soon for the college board.

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