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Our favorite pre-made lunches

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I usually make lunch for the entire week on Sunday. This is easier for me because I only have one dc, but I think it is doable for larger families.

My ds favorites are



Hamburger Helper he likes most of them


Italian Beef Sandwiches (Amy's recipe is wonderful)

Barbecue Beef served on sandwich rolls

Soups (split pea, beef and vegies, chicken and Rice)

Pulled Pork sandwiches

Shrimp Creole (I even pre make up the rice)

meatball subs (I just pre make the meatballs in sauce)

stuffed peppers

soft tacos (I just pre make up the meat)

black bean dip

Turkey Cassarole

I usually make two things for each week. My ds is very easy to please and will eat the same thing for several days.

Please add your favorites to this list. I can't tell you how much nicer knowing lunch is already in the frig makes our school days.

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Do you know, I don't think 3 of my 4 would eat anything on that list. I hate feeding children! Tonight I made chicken pot pies (courtesy of a friend) and served it over rice. My youngest dd looked at it and said, "I am NEVER going to eat that." (Snarly tone implied.) So she went to bed with a piece of bread. I would have felt sorry for her, but the only thing she likes to eat is cheese and apples. I have to feed the rest of the herd something at some point.


For lunches we usually just do cheese, fruit, raw veggies, crackers, peanut butter or sandwich meat, or roasted chicken breasts. In fact, with dh gone, we do that a lot for dinner also. I'm so impressed with your creativity!

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