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Are there any good books on the theory of physics for kids?


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I don't know what exactly I'm looking for.... just talked to DH and Crazypants, and apparently they watched a Hawking video about the Big Bang, and that led to them discussing black holes and quantum mechanics. They're big picture people, so then DH was trying to explain Aristotelian and Newtonian physics, and other theories of physics. I guess DH thinks that by having an understanding of the various theories, the kid will understand what underlies different models?


He asked me if I knew of any books for kids on this (these?) topics to suggest. I don't, but I said I'd ask here.


Am I looking for a kids book on theoretical physics? Is there one?


I have Tiner's physics book, but that's not exactly what I (they) have in mind. DH wants more discussion of causes(?) and the history of theoretical models from Aristotle to the neo-Platonists to modern and post-modern(?). And more talk of the Big Bang theory...


Maybe philosophy of physics??




DH says that this is what makes homeschooling "fun." Crazypants agrees, so even though this isn't the usual definition of "fun" I guess I'll roll with it....lol.

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He might enjoy Mr Tompkins in Paperback by Gamow and other books by Gamow. When DS was 8, we read the Tompkins story parts as some of the professor lecture parts were beyond the both of us but the story parts in themselves were intriguing and provided thoughts for discussion. If you have someone knowledgeable in physics read it with him it could be more beneficial than what I was able to do with DS. DH was just too busy at the time.


There is also a great course lecture called Impossible Physics that was accessible with DH's help. DS enjoyed that very much.

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