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Need easy-ish Harry Potter homeschool ideas


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Hi friends,

Hit me with your best, most fun Harry Potter themed learning ideas.  I have an 11 year old headed for Hogwarts and I want to do something to make school fun for him over the next couple of weeks.  (But I don't have time right now to be super crafty about it, so bonus points if it's easy to implement!)  Thanks!!!

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Doing school on with a quill and ink well? Bonus points for parchment.




School robes. Magic wands.


Pinterest has GOBS of ideas.


The quidditch field in our yard is probably more commitment than you're looking for, but kids adore it. ;)

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Thank you!  Robe and wand, and even a tie, check!  Writing with a quill and ink well would be great fun.  Thank you!  Those are the kind of ideas I am looking for.  If I just print out a Harry Potter themed math worksheet, that is just thinly disguised regular schoolwork.  That is no fun.  :)


Would love to know how you made a Quidditch field in the yard!  We have a big space, so very possibly that could be a weekend project.  


Thank you!

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I forgot about the HP vocab book. "Go learn five new words and use them correctly in a sentence of your own making," works on my HP fans.


The quidditch field was built with whatever DH, myself, and a Lowe's employee could come up with one afternoon. The poles are metal, and I think came from the electrical department for around $2 each. The hoops were thick pvc tubing that came from a different section in a long roll (we had to cut them to size), and the connectors were pvc parts from plumbing. Glue, gold spray paint, and I think gold duct tape were also involved. Our quaffle is just a foam ball, and I found a knitting pattern for the snitch on Ravelry.

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We've made wands using long cop socks, hot glue guns and brown paint. They looked so amazing once complete


I took the logic puzzle out of the END of the first book. Using glasses of different sizes and food coloring, kids has to solve the puzzle AND drink the potion. If they guessed It was nasty (vinegar water or salt water. The answer was plain water)


Our quidditch field was made with hula hoops (Well, sorta. We made our own using gas lines) on various sizes on poles.


Our copy work was out of hp, and I'd rewrite passages with mistakes for editing practice.


Cooking: making foods mentioned in the books.

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there is a Harry Potter cookbook; could be great for learning how to cook and follow directions. We made butterbeer, pumpkin stuff, cauldron cakes, and more. Lots of fun! I did a Harry Potter birthday party for my dd when she turned 11. We 'read' tea leaves - you could do this as an art lesson, we did chemistry and called it spells, kids got letters from owl - creative writing, and played Quidditch - PE. It was a blast! Love HP


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