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How to pick an eye doc for DD?


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She needs a check-up again - the doctor said last year her had a need for a slight correction, but didn't think it would impact her.


She has Turner's Syndrome and a variety of undiagnosed processing issues, watching her read i'm pretty sure she'd benefit greatly from Vision Therapy (and, let me add, in addition to the issues created by her Tuner's, DH is dyslexic).


The thing is right now she had no insurance. I can't go into WHY without bashing my DH and violating that rule, so i won't. Just know my hands are tied - i've asked for the info i need to get them on CMS and he refuses to provide it.


We can't afford VT. I know that - if i could figure out how to pay for it - i probably couldn't pay for the gas to get there you know?


But i had just taken them to WM for eye exams since they'd never been. I just don't want to do that for her again - but i have no idea how to pick someone to see. Do i pick someone off the list that does the Home Vision Therapy thing ( http://www.homevisiontherapy.com/ ), in hopes i could figure out how to pay for that (can anyone tell me how much it might cost?).


She is grasping reading - slowly. But when she reads her eyes are tearing, she rubs them and gets "sleepy". Doesn't matter what time of day we do reading at either.


Is there anyone that can recommend a good optometrist that won't break the bank in the Orlando area? We are NW of it by an hour, but i'm willing to drive to a good one for this.


I just don't know what to do....... :001_huh:

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