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Social Studies for grades 5-8

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Hi everyone,

I am hoping to get some feedback regarding Grades 5-8 middle school social studies. I have narrowed it down to Notgrass and The Catholic Textbook Project texts and workbooks.

My son is a teen on the autism spectrum and he is presently reading and comprehending at about an early 5th grade level. He did How Our Nation Began last year and then Christian Light Edcuation's (CLE) Into All the World this year.

I am trying to plan out social studies for the next 4 years.

Option A:

Grade 5: America the Beautiful 1
Grade 6: America the Beautiful 2
Grade 7: Uncle Sam and You
Grade 8: From Adam to Us
Option B:      

Grade 5: From Sea to Shining Sea
Grade 6: All Ye Lands
Grade 7: Light to the Nations I
Grade 8: Light to the Nations II

A slight revision to the above is to start instead with CHC's "Our United States of America" and then continue the above sequence through grade 9.

My son is a visual learner and struggles with abstract concepts, making connections, and understanding nuances and perspectives so history beyond the straight facts is going to be a challenge, but I want to give it a try.

We can also try some literature to go along with these texts and workbooks and have the literature suffice as his reading, particularly if it is paired with some kind of study guide. He does better with worksheets vs having discussions as he has a true receptive and expressive language processing disorder.

I see the Notgrass texts have accompanying literature, what about the Catholic Textbook Project curriculum?

Looking at all the samples of the texts my son would probably enjoy Uncle Sam and You the best as it is very fact based, picture rich, here and now, ties into his love for seeing new places and architecture. When not traveling he loves to look places up on Google Earth.

However he is also very Catholic and we are too, and having the Catholic influenced history would be nice, though not completely necessary.

Thanks for any input.

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