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Weaning and emotions


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I just weaned ds16mo last week and I'm working a little more slowly with ds11mo. I HATE weaning. It makes me feel so conflicted but I'm pregnant with #7 and I know from experience that my milk is going to evaporate completely within a few weeks anyways. I'm also sick and fall to dehydration quickly. Weaning just makes me feel like my babies are going lose all bond with me because I now don't have anything special to offer. Irrational, I know, but that's where my thought go.


Tell me I'm not alone. :)

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My oldest weaned at 14 mos when I got pregnant with #2. I was so sad. Sobbing that she wouldn't be my baby, just a hot mess. Weaning hormones plus pregnancy hormones = waaaaaaaaah. :grouphug:

Awwww. Thanks. I need the sympathy. Hubby is gone this week to so I'm under a lot.

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I remember weaning my middle when I was pregnant with my youngest.  It wasn't easy for me emotionally, but DS did fine.  I remember the first time he went to bed without his nightly nursing, and I was so sad.  DS actually adjusted just fine and still likes to sit and cuddle with me even though he is 12 now.  The hardest one for me though was nursing my youngest.  I knew he was the last baby even though we wanted more, and he was very attached to nursing.  I allowed him to self wean, since he was the youngest, and he weaned at 36 months.  It was hard, but DH took me out on a date and let me talk about how I felt and then fed me peanut butter cups.  I couldn't have them for several years since DS is deathly allergic.  DH was very sweet and supportive.

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