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I didn't know that!

Night Elf

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I'll admit I didn't read all of the Jurassic World thread so someone else might have mentioned it, but Jimmy Buffet had a cameo as a guy saving two margaritas during an attack of pterodactyls or some similar bird. I laughed at the absurdity that someone would pick up two drinks in all that chaos but didn't know that was Buffet until dd told me after the movie.

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In an off topic, but Jimmy Buffet related note, our Boy Scout troop camped at a large lake here in California last weekend.  As a service project for camping, they cleaned up the "beach" area around the boat ramp.  Currently the lake is about 35 feet or so low so that 'beach' is normally under water and there not usually cleaned.  


My little Parrothead finally learned what "stepped on a pop top" meant.  He knew it was the top of a soda or beer can, but didn't get how you could cut your foot on the little pulls on the cans of today.  We found a lot of old poptops in the now exposed beach area!

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