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ELTL stand alone for writing and grammar?


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I started a thread trying to compare ELTL with WWE/WWS. I want to ask this in a different way though.  I was planning to use WWE for writing for my grades 3,5 and 7 kids next year.  I have been looking for a grammar program as well, and I really like the looks of ELTL. ( I just ordered term 1 of Wayfarers ancients too).  Since ELTL is writing and grammar, would it be sufficient to just use it alone, or would you recommend also using WWE along with it.  I think it is three days per week so I was thinking of doing WWE on the other two days and stretching each WWE over 2 years (2 days per week instead of 4).  However, if ELTL is a good writing program on its own, then I'd rather just do that without adding in the WWE ( most of my kids hate writing). Any advice or experience is appreciated! :)

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I agree with silver, ELTL is a complete writing and grammar program.  The other two days scheduled in Wayfarers are for reading/spelling or prepared dictation.  So, ELTL combined with prepared dictation and the daily narrations (scheduled in Wayfarers) provide a whole LA curriculum.  You certainly can use those other two days for some other writing if you wanted to, but you don't need to.

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WWE has the same kind of writing in it as ELTL, which is narration, copywork, and dictation in the lower levels. So no, I would not combine the two. If you want to add a different kind of writing practice, like creative writing or more traditional instruction, you could add that, but ELTL is enough on its own.

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