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Progressive Phonics Users


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My middle child flew through the beginner Progressive Phonics books, but now that we have hit CCVC words, he really struggles. He gets phonemes made with multiple letters (ph, th, etc...), but blending two consonant sounds (tr, sw, etc...) is really hard for him. He'll get it when it's first introduced, but he'll over-apply it. (For example, the section focusing on "cr" he will start reading "can" as "cran.) Then, he often can't blend those sounds together at all. Repetition isn't helping. We read each book several times before progressing. He's 5.25 years old. Is this normal? Will it just click? Is it developmental? Any suggestions on helping teach consonant blends? My eldest taught herself to read at four and was reading Little House on the Prairie at this age: once she learned to blend, it was like flipping a light switch and she could read pretty much anything, so I'm having a hard time keeping realistic expectations here. I've had him reading almost daily with me for several months with very little progress.

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We used Progressive Phonics along with the Nora Gaydos books (http://www.innovativekids.com/shop/140/learn-to-read) and the AAR readers (http://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/Supplemental-Products/Readers/).


IMHO, what you described is developmental. It will click. Try not to stress and just be patient.  

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