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FYI: Note to self....

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Things are great until they stop being great.

Then things are less than great.

And one must long for the interruption of a great day.


It's like waiting to get thin again.

Reason dictates that it requires effort to get thin.

But I just keep doing the same thing and long instead.


Reason pushes toward more work.

Longing is loose. More room for me. Most of me.


Why can't I just be content with not-so-great and not-so-thin?

Why the longing? Why the bar?

I think I need a different fun-house mirror.


Isn't life grand?

PEACE to you and me this afternoon!



I know... I know...

ENJOY my little people! ;)

ENJOY my journey! ;)

REALLY! I know! ;) ....just cranky I guess. WHERE is the room for that!!!!! :D:D:D

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I remember my mother, who has struggled with her weight all her life, suddenly realizing that part of the reason she was happier in the summer was because we lived where there were no mirrors then. With this in mind, I have never owned a full-lenghth mirror, and I like that the medicine cabinet is offset from the sink in the bathroom. How frail we are LOL. It is very silly, I know, but...


Did you take the summer off from school? I always seem to have the extra energy to be dissatisfied with things at the beginning of the school year. During the summer, I'm busy now-ing and don't think much. Later in the school year, I'm tired and don't have the energy to think much. But in September, I'm miserable at the freedom of summer being over, miserable about my husband being gone at work all day, miserable at being inside more, AND I have the extra energy to think about things but am tired from the unaccustomed school day, too tired to control what I think about. Not good.


Anyway... I sympathize. At least I would if I could figure out how to spell it. Sympathise?



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