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Question for Virginia Homeschoolers

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It looks like we are going to be stationed at the Pentagon so we will probably move to Virginia. I am confused by the requirements- what is a fourth stanza on a standardized test? What do they need to score? Does anyone do evalutions? I don't think I will be taking the religious objection but I do have a BA. Who can be an evaluator? Am I going to get hassled since we will be moving mid-year? TIA

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they have to test yearly and have to do better than the 25%. in other words the scores need to be above 25%.


yes, people do evaluations. I don't know of any up north, but around my area I can think of several off hand. I am sure the area up there has groups that can share those people's info for you.


with a BA filing option 1 is easy. you send in your intent, school, test.


I don't know who can be an evaluator but I suspect they have to be a certified teacher.


hope this helps!

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It's the 4th stanine and it's equal to the 23rd percentile. As long as they score higher than that for their overall score. Even if they score lower on an individual area the only thing that matters is the overall math and language arts score.


We've always just given the Cat-E survey from Seton which is a short and to the point test. Seton is also great about shipping it out and getting results back. They are located in VA so things get to us really fast. This last spring when I sent our test in to be scored we had the results within a week. I've never done an evaluator so can't help there. We moved back here last Nov (been in VA many times) and had no problems with it being mid year at all. We sent in our NOI and about a week later got a letter back from the city saying they had received it and letting us know our test scores or evaluation was due by Aug 1st of the next year. Then in Apr they sent us another letter reminding us of the Aug 1st test score deadline as a friendly reminder and with a reminder that if we wished to continue hsing that our new NOI was due by Aug 15th.


I've found VA to be much easier than FL, since I can give the tests myself instead of having to hunt down a certified teacher.



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We do option #1 -- Bachelors Degree. I have a scanned copy of both dh and my degrees, so I can print them off each year.


We also do the testing option. The test I use for the state is the CAT, which I purchase through Christian Liberty Academy and administer myself. It's easy and inexpensive (and a bit less work than the evaluation, imho). I send a copy of the results at the end of July with my notice. The previous poster is correct about the 25% ... which has never been an issue for us.


That is all we have to do. It's really not too bad.


Since you're headed to the Pentagon, my guess is that you'll be looking for housing off of I-95 -- you'll have lots of commuter traffic, and most there work from 7-4 schedule. Car pooling, van-pooling, busses are all in great supply, and I think you'll get some transportation vouchers to use in Van, Bus, Train or Metro.


I'm in s. Stafford County off of Route 17 (exit 133 from I-95). There are plenty of houses for sale, and prices have fallen to about 2003 levels.


We look forward to welcoming you to Virginia!

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