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Paisley Hedgehog

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That is exactly what we did one year. I had a very dependent 3 year old and a newborn, so that year for 3rd grade, my son used SOS for history and science. After the first couple of weeks, where we had to go through with him and show how to use it, how to highlight important info, how to slow down and read to understand because there is a quiz at the end, he pretty much did it on his own. These were the times when I just needed him to be busy. Although for us, we considered it busy work for him, to him it was presented as "school work" that needed to be completed at a level just as any other work.



He did get something out if it, as he did often say things in conversation that I would ask where he learned that and it was from SOS. And he never complained about doing it, so that was key during that year when we got alot of complaining from him.


That being said, I certainly would not use SOS as our main core, as I did feel it was very light. The history was NOT history in the WTM way of thinking, but more like geography. The science was okay, but not too hands-on, although some experiments were offered. I have heard similiar reviews regarding the other subjects, not enough depth or review.


But to answer your question, yep, used SOS as a educational type of "busy work" during a year when I was struggling to keep my head above water :).


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  • 4 weeks later...

We are using SOS science for my 8ds and 9dd (they are doing 4th grade together). For us, it was a matter of "how can I make sure the kids do science this year?" We have an 18 month old running around, and a 7th grader, so I really needed help this year. It has been fine-definitely not my ideal curriculum-but they are doing it mostly without complaint, and it is getting done (and graded!). We wi probably continue with it until middle school.

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We use Science also from SOS. It has been great to have a subject I don't have to plan or teach. I do get involved with experiments (because I want to do so), but the rest dd is able to do very well without my help. We will probably continue through middle school as well. I don't want to make definite decisions about high school until we get closer to time. I use the topics my dd is doing to study science with my ds. By doing this, he can get involved some with her experiments.

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