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I have a former student whom (who?) I taught when she was in the fourth grade! She has kept in contact with me all these years and is getting married in May. I've been trying to figure out exactly what I want to make her as a gift. I thought about making a sampler...but, then I saw an idea in a book!


They are going to Spain for their honeymoon. I'm going to embroider an outline of Spain and all the major cities they are going to visit. I'm also going to put a few little "pictures" of things that the regions are know for...like a wine bottle, a fish off the coast of Barcelona, etc. I'll also put a few "mountains" where I see some peaks on the map.


How do you like the idea? I hope I can do it!



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Thanks, everyone! I will post a picture when I'm done.


I was first thinking of doing one of North Carolina, marking Notre Dame. That's where where met in college and are getting married in the Basilica. But, that's all there is of importance in NC. So, I think Spain will be more fun!


Side note: The poor thing was so "dumb" she got accepted to Notre Dame, Columbia, and Duke. I credit all her success to the learnin' she got in the 4th grade!




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