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The Write Foundation ??


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  • 4 weeks later...

I also just came across this curriculum, and would love to hear what others might have to say about it.  It appears to be exactly what I've been looking for.  I did read reviews of it, many from the Schoolhouse group, which say that it is difficult to understand what the author intends in places, and it takes a few hours to familiarize yourself with how it is set up, but once you get past that, it's not too bad.  I figure that since I was able to figure out SWR (Spell to Write and Read) then I should be able to handle this. 

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Ok. Sounds like it's not quite what I'm looking for. It is sounding too complicated for me!


I didn't find it complicated. It was pretty scripted IIRC. It was just too rigid for me. I have discovered that I just can not do scripted, rigid programs. I resent being told that *this* is the right way to do things.


Have you looked at the samples? http://thewritefoundation.org/teaching-tools-samples/

Click on the instruction links to see the TM. It's exactly what it looks like for each lesson--Copy a Bible verse, learn something about verbs (or adjectives, or whatever), maybe play a game, then write a poem. Like I said, we got bored, but I think it could work for someone who likes a lot of structure and predictability. 

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Thanks, it actually sounds good to me.  I do like a lot of structure and predictability, especially with my "I hate writing!" child.  That one needs the structure for several years first, I think, and then, after that, I can cut her loose.

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