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Need Ideas For High School A+P Course

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DD wants an A+P course for one of her high school science years, which should be easy for me to put together, except....she doesn't want to do any animal dissections. What experiments would you put together for a high school level A+P class without dissections? I am thinking plastic models of the heart, brain, etc..., along with microscope work (muscle slides, blood slides, etc...), and physiology experiments (such as blood typing). So I am looking for any additional non-dissection ideas, for those of you who have BTDT.

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I was thinking of going this route, but I really would like her to have 4 years of lab science for her transcript (although I am not sure if one non-lab year would be that big a deal).

We didn't do any lab with our AP course. She had already done lots of dissection in biology so we concentrated on terms and concepts since we knew she would be taking it in college as a nursing major.


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Well my daughter did have 4 lab sciences because she started science credits in 8th grade but i don't think it would have mattered if she had 3 and then A&P.  If you want some ideas of labs you might want to check out Apologia's A&P book. I think it's called The Human Body. I've never looked at it but I assume they have labs in it since they tend to in their books. We used a traditional college A&P book with Kolbe plans. It had online exercises but we didn't do labs. 

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