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When can we plant trees in the wintry midwest?


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My kids have worked on a scout badge - something about the environment - and there is just one requirement left.  They have to plant a tree.  Time is running out to get the requirements done before the final badge awards for the scout year.  And there are still mounds of snow outside.


So.  How ridiculous is it to go buy a couple of baby trees and plant them, even knowing that there will be more cold and snow?  Usually we continue to get some snow in April, sometimes May.  Could be even worse than usual this year.


We have a little woods on our property, so the babies would be somewhat sheltered if we put them near that area.  Though the ground might be really hard.  I dunno.  I'm probably nuts.

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When can you plant trees? Any day you can get a shovel into the dirt.

When will the trees thrive? During the actual season for that sort of thing, whenever that is. Personally, I'd plant a tree and let nature take its course.

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You might have trouble digging the hole, but the trees will be happy! If your weather is similar to ours, they will probably start their spring growth already! If you can't dig a hole, make them a temporary home and transplant them when the ground is warmer.

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Most trees will do fine if you plant them now. Plant little ones with small root balls. You'll have a smaller hole to dig and the trees will likely *take* better, too. The most important things to do are 1) bury them at the right height, 2) untangle or cut off roots that are circling around the root ball and 3) as the weather warms up, give them the right amount of water while they're establishing their roots.

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