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Has anyone combined Miquon with RS Games and Al Abacus Activities?


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I just ordered the Al Abacus, Activities Guide and worksheets. I love the idea of using it with Miquon. Has this been done? I have no intention of trying to line them up. I aslo didn't get the games yet ($). Will I want them really soon, or can I wait?

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Yep? Yep what? Yep you've done it? Yep it's awesome? Yep I want the games now? I'm just going to say yep and make you wonder? I MUST KNOW! I read some old threads with your comments. I know you used to use Singapore with Miquon and MEP and then bought the RS Abacus and activities guide, but I don't know what happened after that. We're using MMM as a precursor to Miquon (Ellie's idea) and added in MEP Reception for fun. I don't plan to continue with MEP after Reception and I don't want the full RightStart program. What do you have to say about the AL Abacus and activity guide? Does it cover everything Miquon misses, like long division and measurement (so I've heard).

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Sorry. Yes we combined a bunch of stuff like you mentioned. The AL Abacus book had good ideas that I either used, borrowed, or modified. I never had the full RS program, but felt the AL book gave me a good feel for the RS method.


We liked playing the games in the RS game program (especially early on). The convoluted directions always made me a little crazy. And the endless variations could make choosing what to play next perplexing. Frankly, some of the better games are demonstrated better in the RS YouTube Videos and all except the Corners games could be done with homemade cards. The RS kit new is pricey.


I never liked Ellie's idea of using Mathematic Made Meaningful as a lead into Miquon because I think the explicit instruction in MMM would essentially remove the "discovery" aspect of Miquon (which was something I most appreciated about it). There is a difference between showing a child how to do smething and letting him or her figure it put themselves. There is a place for both methods, but starting out the discovery method of Miquon was a very positive start for my child.


In retrospect, I think drawing on a lot of resources (like the ones mentioned) do help build our teacher education. It makes a difference.


The MEP stuff is pretty cool if you have the time. The existence of "too much good stuff to use it all" is a nice problem to have.



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For more ideas on introducing c-rods, watch the Education Unboxed videos, great stuff! I'm gearing up to use RS level A together with Miquon next year, so I don't have any experience to share yet. I have used RS in the past, and love the abacus and the way they teach grouping by 5s and place value.


You may decide you want more program parts later on, but it's always best to start with less and add on if necessary, than to purchase a ton of stuff you may not end up using. I think watching the games on YouTube and making your own cards is a great ides!

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Sorry. Yes we combined a bunch of stuff like you mentioned. The AL Abacus book had good ideas that I either used, borrowed, or modified. I never had the full RS program, but felt the AL book gave me a good feel for the RS method.


We liked playing the games in the RS game program (especially early on). The convoluted directions always made me a little crazy. And the endless variations could make choosing what to play next perplexing. Frankly, some of the better games are demonstrated better in the RS YouTube Videos and all except the Corners games could be done with homemade cards. The RS kit new is pricey. 


I never liked Ellie's idea of using Mathematic Made Meaningful as a lead into Miquon because I think the explicit instruction in MMM would essentially remove the "discovery" aspect of Miquon (which was something I most appreciated about it). Thanks for that. There is a difference between showing a child how to do smething and letting him or her figure it put themselves. There is a place for both methods, but starting out the discovery method of Miquon was a very positive start for my child.


In retrospect, I think drawing on a lot of resources (like the ones mentioned) do help build our teacher education. It makes a difference.


The MEP stuff is pretty cool if you have the time. The existence of "too much good stuff to use it all" is a nice problem to have. Very true.





For more ideas on introducing c-rods, watch the Education Unboxed videos, great stuff! I'm gearing up to use RS level A together with Miquon next year, so I don't have any experience to share yet. I have used RS in the past, and love the abacus and the way they teach grouping by 5s and place value.


You may decide you want more program parts later on, but it's always best to start with less and add on if necessary, than to purchase a ton of stuff you may not end up using. I think watching the games on YouTube and making your own cards is a great ides!

I do like the education unboxed videos. I love everything about RS, but I hate scripted and I just don't want to dread math every. single. day. I hope it goes well for you. Thanks for the advice.

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Just curious, do you already have the Miquon materials? They are great, but require out of the box thinking for the parent, and a willingness to do the work of figuring out the problems on the part of the student.


If you are able, I would borrow both Miquon and RS if possible, to see if you think Miquon would work for your family, and if RS's level of scripting is as much of an issue as you think it is.


I bought only the lab annotations and the 1st workbook (orange) of Miquon and a very cheap used RS version 1. I'm using these for K, so once I figure out which approach will work best for us (or both), I'll stick with that.

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Just curious, do you already have the Miquon materials? No, just the rods. They are great, but require out of the box thinking for the parent, and a willingness to do the work of figuring out the problems on the part of the student. I know.


If you are able, I would borrow both Miquon and RS if possible, to see if you think Miquon would work for your family, and if RS's level of scripting is as much of an issue as you think it is.


I bought only the lab annotations and the 1st workbook (orange) of Miquon and a very cheap used RS version 1. I'm using these for K, so once I figure out which approach will work best for us (or both), I'll stick with that.


I got Miquon from the library, but I've used two scripted curricula before and I'm done. Not my thing. I keep bouncing back and forth on what I want to do. At first I wanted to use Ray's and Miquon, but then I discovered RightStart and I don't want to use all 3. I ordered the AL Abacus, activities guide and worksheets. I'm going to get the games no matter what I decide and I plan to order the Annotations and Orange for Kindergarten and see how that goes.

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