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Anyone want to explain history study to me?


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First let me say, history is not my forte! This year, my first and fourth graders are mostly studying the US--the history of the US and the geography of the US. Researching for next year, I think I've finally narrowed it down to starting the 4-year cycle with them both, using SOTW 1, since neither of them have studied that yet.

Here are my main questions/thoughts...As a public school graduate, I don't remember studying this at.all! So I researched a bit to see what they actually do study in PS and it looks like a general 'social studies'. Looking at my state's info, it's all about cummunity and the US all through about 7th grade. It appears that even when they study more 'world-type history' it isn't until 8th grade maybe ?? and still focuses mostly on the US and how things impacted the US.

So, I get the community aspect for lower elementary (my DS6 loves learning about the mail, postal service, police officers, EMT, etc!) but when (ever?) do they (ie PS students) study more of the world and history? I'm not really concerned about what they do in PS, more just trying to wrap my mind around the classical method of history study vs. the social studies way.

I guess I'm just wondering why the big difference between the two?

Please be gentle with me...I'm just trying to learn more about this. :)


ETA: Also, has anyone used Bede's History of Me for their K student?

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I never got ancient or world history in PS, either, and little geography (just memorizing the US states and capitals in 5th grade and an easy one-semester geography course in 9th). But it's going to vary, primarily by state. In my state, for example, I can see the first-grade social studies standards here, and you can probably find any state's by Googling. Since state tests are on the 3 Rs (particularly for K-8), very little is done for history--nearly all of it American.


I taught DS basic geography in kindergarten (he had gotten the community stuff in preschool), some prehistory/intro to history stuff last summer, and we're reading SOTW 1 now. He loves it! When we get to 3rd and 4th grade, my supplementary reading and memory work choices will lean heavily toward American history. I think US history will make more sense to a kid who's been exposed to the Greeks and Romans. The lack of context was one reason I didn't like history in school--and so I didn't take it in college, when I would've finally gotten to the good stuff!


I think we'll go back to world geography for 5th grade, and condense ancient and medieval times both into 6th (and also start Latin then).

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Hey, SWB has it answered that for you:




and because you say you are new, and it isn't an uncommon questions, SWB is Susan Wise Bauer, the author of The Well Trained Mind. She has also written many of the materials, including Story of the World, that are used by many on this board. She is also the owner of this message board.



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Hey, SWB has it answered that for you:




and because you say you are new, and it isn't an uncommon questions, SWB is Susan Wise Bauer, the author of The Well Trained Mind. She has also written many of the materials, including Story of the World, that are used by many on this board. She is also the owner of this message board.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out!

We used SOTW 3, and some of 4, this year, I'm using OPGTR (for the second time), and I have The Well Trained Mind book that I reference often. I probably just need to look at it again though and thoroughly read the sections about history. :) I guess I was just mostly curious about why most world history is not taught at all in PS. But whitehawk probably nailed it on the head about states varying wildly. I am not in a state known for its excellent education. :/


Thanks for the resources and replies!

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