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"I don't have enough faith to be an atheist"


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Hm.  Well I have "faith" that someday someone will know the answers to a lot of stuff we don't yet know or understand.  I don't know what this has to do with religious faith. 


Nothing.  That's the difference.  It's a different kind of faith.  


But, it is similar in that both you and the person with religious faith believe that there *are* answers, and you are willing to rest in the assurance that you (they) will be okay not knowing.  

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Agreed. The title is mind-bogglingly ignorant and disingenous. I find it ironic that religious people desire us to respect them and their faith, but are quite happy to disrespect us and our lack of faith.


I also would not line my cat's litter box with it. Sorry albeto. It sounds like a big waste of time - setting up a strawman order  to knock it down seems to describe it sufficiently for me.


Hopefully when Jean reads it, she can have a good conversation about it with you.


I'm not impressed. I don't give my kids books to read that set up Christians in order to knock them down. If they want to read about atheism or humanism or communism or feminism - I give them books about that topic, not books about how deluded Christians or neolibs or capitalists or meninists are...


I mean, seriously, I am offended. I spend time in my homeschool teaching my kids the good bits about Jesus, and letting my kids go to church youth group in 'the name of diversity' and being sensitive to the sensitivities of the Christians in my life...and other families are out there using people like me and my kids as strawmen to bolster their faith ?


There's an unprintable thing I'd like to say about that...


As far as the down-ratings go, i don't care if it's logical, it's rude and it's petty and doesn't reflect at all well on those who do it. 


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