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Books on Conversation/Speaking for Kids?


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I've written about this before, but my oldest son is a motor-mouth. He talks so much its oppressive to who ever happens to be in earshot. Guidelines are not enough, we need a full-scale intervention. I need a full on program to work on conversation and listening skills with this boy or someone's going to end up on tranquilizers. :willy_nilly:


Is there a book out there or a website that can give me more guidance on a program to implement with him? I've tried looking it up online and I don't know what I'm looking for. I've mentioned it to the doctor twice now and he says its fine, kids talk, its a phase etc. But honestly? The minute-to-minute, hour-by-hour, day-to-day parenting of this kid does NOT feel like a phase, it feels like a prison sentence. I don't mind enduring his childhood but suffering through it is not appealing.


This kid, I love him, but he is making me insane. He is making his brother insane, he is driving his grandmother insane, he annoys his peers and kids aren't concerned with being diplomatic about it either. People of all ages shy away from being around him. Other parents have commented about it nicely and not so nicely and its only going to cause more social problems for him as he gets older. To the general public, he isn't a cute precocious toddler anymore, he's an obnoxious chatter-box who should know better.


Any ideas?

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There might be something in this series. I had the one about shyness for Dd and I thought it was helpful.




Let's Be Friends: A Workbook to Help Kids Learn Social Skills and Make Great Friends https://www.amazon.com/dp/1572246103/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_q9n7ub0D0SDGX


Thanks, I'll check it out.

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