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AAS vs WRTR/Spalding (AAS for teaching reading?)


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How does AAS differ from WRTR?  Can AAS be used to teach a child to read?  (I cannot afford AAR; it's simply out of the question right now.  But I have levels 1 and 2 of AAS on my shelf.)  I have heard some say that AAS moves too slowly to be used for teaching reading, but couldn't I just speed it up? 

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Here's my answer from the AALP forum. But, if AAR is out of reach, try AAS and see how it goes, especially if you don't mind finding readers to use along with it.  I know sometimes as homeschoolers we have to use what we have.  Or look for used, or sell something to buy curriculum (many years I held garage sales to save up for curriculum!)


You'd want to work at two different places most likely--one for reading and one for spelling, because your kids may be able to move ahead more quickly in reading than in spelling. The first time through, you can try using the word cards and dictations for reading practice. You may want to rewrite dictations on a white board, if you find the font in the book small for their young eyes. It's not as much practice as in the reading program for developing fluency, but it's a start. This blog post has some games, mostly free downloads, that you could use for working on reading fluency with the cards & sentences.

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