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"Everything is sooooo boring....."

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..... I finally got this today from DD14.  She homeschooled when she was in grades 2-4, then she went to public school in 5-6 and last year as she entered 7th, we began to homeschool her.  DS12 came home to school as he hit 7th as well, this year.


Supposedly allllll of the curriculum bores her to tears, she is bored here at home doing her school work and there is nowhere in the house to do her school work that excites her, and WOE IS ME...   that I don't have the extra curriculars in place that her public school friends have.  She wants wood shop, fashion design, auto hobby..something (wait..what?) and a long list of other changes.  Then, DS chimes in with the electronics class he wants (as his Snap Circuits big-daddy 750 kit sits next to him) and other extras.   DH offers to take them into his 5 car garage full of tools and build anything they want, they already get under the cars with him, and he also offers to build a small rocket, complete with scientific explanation, etc. etc etc ETC.


Sigh.....well, they turned all that down.  I know part of it is their age, I know part of it is the winter doldrums, I know that part of it IS the lack of kids around while the nitty gritty work is being done, I know they miss a classroom setting, I know it's the hormones...and a lot of other things, probably.  But it was extremely discouraging.  OMG..the lengths I go to JUST in our homeschool setting.  I know I'm "preaching to the choir"..huh?


I do 'coffee shop hops" with the kids where we go to coffee shops to do the school work, we go the park sometimes when the weather is good, they take all sorts of art classes when available in town, they both take music lessons and sometimes we go on base (military) when they offer classes/sports.   So I don't think I need to add anything, but maybe shake up a little?


Maybe just asking for commiseration?  (((pout)))

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I remember being in that phase. Eventually I drove even myself batty. I went down to the library, picked one book off each shelf in the non-fiction section and determined to read them all even if they were boring. I was cured when I found it easier to learn to be interested in floor plans of ocean liners than to read the entirety of a terribly, horribly, awfully boring book about the floor plans of ocean liners.

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First, :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Second, your kids are old enough.  Tell them if they want a change, they have to write a grant for it.

They must put forth in full sentences (typed, double spaced)


--a specific opportunity that will make them happy.  There are local woodworking clubs/classes.  There are online educational opportunities.  Even if they want a different math curriculum, they must find the one that must make them happy. 


--Why would this activity benefit them more than their current educational opportunity/opportunities?  Why would Mom and Dad support it?  Does it result in better SAT scores?  Is it more challenging?   Less work for Mom with the same educational outcome?  Offer support for the child's long-term goals?


--Demonstrate and document proof that that they are capable of learning in such a situation.  The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.  


For example, if your son wants the electronics class, he must successfully work through >50% of his Snap Circuits projects.  He will document what he has learned for each experiment.  (Dd8 is doing this currently; it really only takes one sentence/lesson). In this way, he proves his commitment and ability to learn electronics.

--Outline financial and time costs for this opportunity, and how this would be met.  Will your dc pay half the cost?  Will it be part of a birthday present?   If there is a time commitment for mom to drive dc to and from the opportunity, which chores will dc accept to free up Mom to do the driving?  Will dc work on math worksheets or reading Lit assignments to and from to make good use of the time?

If they want change, they have to do the footwork themselves and make a persuasive argument of how and why this would benefit everyone involved.

Likewise, make it clear that just because they write a grant, it doesn't mean that it is a good grant.  Mom and Dad have to be convinced by  their words, arguments, and actions.

If they don't want to write a grant, then it's time to stop complaining.

--From Duckens, the Mean Mom

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It seems like, no matter how much we do for our kids, they always feel like they are "missing out" on something. At least , we have been through that phase.

It still comes and goes.

What helps us is just boring routine. I do try to spice it up with trips, sports, etc, but I think kids are naturally unsettled, or whatever. I have stopped trying to wrack my brain for the perfect curriculum to "please" them, and am just doing school. Part of that is forced on me financially, but it has been good for us. 



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It seems like, no matter how much we do for our kids, they always feel like they are "missing out" on something. At least , we have been through that phase.

It still comes and goes.

What helps us is just boring routine. I do try to spice it up with trips, sports, etc, but I think kids are naturally unsettled, or whatever. I have stopped trying to wrack my brain for the perfect curriculum to "please" them, and am just doing school. Part of that is forced on me financially, but it has been good for us. 



Yeah, nothing curriculum wise is changing! lol  I also attribute some of this, with my kids, to needing more exercise.  


I did just sign them up for an art class, "Drawing and Sketching".  It's $5 per kid for 2 days.  Can't beat it...  I mean there's not much else I can do and I know that my kids are naturally demanding.  But still....teens complaining about something.  Guess I should get more used to it. lol

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