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SOTW 1 with older student


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Hi all,


DS is 9 and we are working through SOTW1 because I wanted to start history at the beginning for our first year.  We usually read a chapter together and he does a brief narration and we take out library books on the various subjects each week.


Today I happened to glance at the activity guide for SOTW 4 (which would presumably be his level if we had started this rotation in 1st grade) and the activities, narrations etc. in that book seem more substantial than what we are doing.  Now I'm feeling like I have had the bar too low for this first semester in terms of output.  What do you think?  Anyone else started later with SOTW 1?

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We did this year - same age. We do map work, supplemental reading of library books on whatever our subject is, watch documentaries on Netflix or Youtube, and occasionally read and do short biography reports. We also have a timeline notebook that we are filling in as we go. We still managed to get through SOTW 1 fairly quickly. We just started SOTW 2 so just do what works for you.

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How great that you have the activity guide for 4. We have been doing SOTW all along and I will say that the activities in 4 are difficult. We are still working on the right balance. Think about your goals for history, for us I want it to be a subject we enjoy and not necessarily a challenging subject. With your goals in mind, slowly ramp the activities to what works for the two of you.

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I am doing SOTW with DS, who is 10. He loves the stories and layout, and so do I, but it is far below his capability and comprehension level, especially the map work. He hates crafts, so we don't do those at all. I supplement the map work so that it is more appropriate to a ten year old, and weadd on more advanced books and readings.

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