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Choosing books for the mom who wants to read everything but doesn't have time

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I have a difficult time making decisions in this area, and I need some help!!


I'm doing fine choosing a read aloud for our non-school-related reading.  My girls pick mostly quality stuff for free reading (although usually much lower reading level than they're capable of) so I don't even worry about that right now.  It's the history reading to add to our spine that's causing me troubles.  Yes, I know that that SOTW has recommended reading (and I really appreciate that!), but it's just not working out great.  I'm sort of scatter-brained & distractible. :tongue_smilie:


So this is what's been happening: I look ahead of time at what's available at my library from the recommended list and request it held.  I pick up books.  They sit in a basket for up to 6 weeks (this is how long I can check them out.)  Sometimes my girls read them.  Sometimes I get to it when we're on related chapter, but usually not.  We often have to return them unread.  Sometimes I even forget they're there! :ohmy:


It's not that I mind checking them out...I just think we'd work better with a different system.  I think it's good to have them around for dc if they want to read them, but for *me*, I need the spine, and maybe one other book to read as a read aloud for the day that is of the same time period, I guess.  (I DO read other things at other times: Bible, a picture book, a before bed read aloud...)


Sorry, this is rambly.  I over think this area a lot.  I need to keep it simple.  But buying everything isn't an option.  Or maybe I just need  to be told to pick one on my wish list, and start there without even worrying about keeping it all organized. :laugh:

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I would keep doing what you're doing in terms of getting books and just schedule in a day in your routine where you read what you've got. Don't worry if it's a couple of chapters ago or a chapter or two ahead. No big. Just read them. If there are no books in the box, find a video to watch. Or maybe have a single book that can cover a lot. For example, if you're in SOTW1, have a giant mythology book and that's what you read when you have nothing else. Or SOTW2, have a big Norse myths book or a big fairy tales book or a stories from Shakespeare book. Or SOTW3, have something like The American Story by Jennifer Armstrong and read some bits from the first half. 

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So, can you keep getting them but don't worry about all of them. Take a look and see what appeals to you the most, start reading that book anytime you want to do extra history reading, start new book if you finish that one before time is up. Rinse and repeat. I actually started scheduling my read-alouds but I did that after doing pretty much the above. I don't read books I don't like or find interesting, we get through what we get through but by picking books I'm really interested in it keeps me motivated. I wouldn't worry too much about lining it up perfectly. As Farrar said as well you can do something like myths or such. Right now we are reading a lot of good narrative non-fic with American History, with ancients I remember Greek myths, The Odyssey, Norse Myths, King Arthur and Robin Hood for Medieval times

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