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Please help me find this book.

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I read a book about a year or two ago.  I want to think that it was a book on education, but it might not have been, although it was non-fiction. If not on education, then it was a biography.  It was written by a woman.  The part that I remember discussed how women (I want to think upper class) used reading as a means of self-education since other forms of higher education were unavailable to them.  And they used book clubs as a way to share ideas and discuss what they've read.  Basically book clubs were an informal self-education intellectual activity in lieu of university access.


Does this sound familiar to anyone?  I am giving a class on the value of self-education and I was hoping to quote this book, but I can't for the life of me remember where I read it.

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Wish I had more time to "chase this rabbit" for you!  Although I don't know what specific book you seek, here are three links to material possibly of value to you.







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