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7th grade science


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What did you use for 7th grade science and did you like it (why or why not)?  I have no clue what to use next year for science as we transition from elem. to HS. We are Catholic so I am open to any science curriculum that is Catholic, Christian, Secular, etc. Thanks!

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My son is using the Exploring Creation with Physical Science by Jay Wile. 


Pros:  nice conversational tone, easy to use format, all experiments are easy to do at home and they actually work, clearly laid out for homeschool use.


Cons:  It's pretty easy.  It's kind of really really easy. It's the 8th grade book yet he covered a ton of it in Calvert 6th grade last year, and just daily life and such.  Could be less verbose too.


I don't know what we will do next year.  


(I believe Biology sometimes requires algebra as prerequisite, however not all Biology courses do.  We may have to take a gap year in science and use something Science related and save Biology for 9th grade depending on the prerequisite.  I can't really understand why Biology requires Algebra, as Usually it's chemistry that has a ton of math, but I remember reading that on several course descriptions somewhere..)






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My son has three more chapters of BJU Science 6, and then he will begin Science 7. Of course we don't know our opinion of it yet, but science 6 has been excellent. I use the online videos with Mrs. Vick.


FYI the $99 sale for the BJU online classes is going on now for some amount of time.

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Loesje22000, is this the textbook you were thinking of? It is what CHC uses for biology (8th or 9th grade). I was looking at their 7th grade life science book but was not sure about the quality.  




EDIT: I just looked and Kolbe uses the same Miller and Levine biology book for high school. 

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