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Online menu plans?

Renthead Mommy

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I am bad about planning dinners, and truely, it does tend to surprise me that it turns up again day after day.  My parents came for two weeks and I planned out a lot of meals and cooked parts of them (browned meat, quiche, etc.) ahead of time. Granted we were home more than we usually are and I had company in the kitchen, but cooking was actually easier.  Plus it is easier to cook for 4 people and one extremely picky kid than two people and one extremely picky kid.  So I am looking for some meal planning sites. 


I looked at emeals.com, and I like the idea of the different meal plans  (clean eating, paleo, slow cooking and low carb) but my husband has bad GERD so certain veggies are out, too much dairy is out, garlic is out, spicy is out, too acidic/too many tomatoes is out.  Plus he can not eat red meat. 


Is there anything out there that lets me tell it what we can't have, plus tell it to offer 1-2 slower cooker meals a week? 


I don't mind paying for a meal plan, but I don't want to pay for one that has mulitple meals he can't eat. 



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Not what you're looking for but I plan a week at a time taking into account sales. I prefer to plan my own because my dh is not adventurous. I usually cook up a big batch of brown rice, barley, quinoa on the weekend and freeze to have with vegetables as sides. I have done a month at a time. I sort of use a template

Mon- crockpot

Tue- Italanish - lasagna, spaghetti,Alfredo, ravioli,

Wed- traditional- pork chops, stroganoff, chicken and dumplings

Thu- mexicanish- tacos, burritos, quesadilla, rice& beans

Fri-junk- hamburgers, breaded fish, chicken fingers

Sat- leftovers, soup, easy stuff

Sun-traditional again-roast chicken, meatloaf, ribs

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I use Plan to eat. It can pull recipes off line or enter my own and then schedule them. I can create a shopping list that I can addjust for what I already have. It is 5 buck a month ($4.95). I have a button on my browser and if I find a recipe I like i push it and,ususually, I can upload it to PTE from where I am on the internet.

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