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Winter Holidays Question


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So I know many Christians celebrate Christmas and Hannakuh is celebrated during December by Jewish people.  I guess many non religious people do a secular Christmas at least in the US.  From what I have gathered some members here celebrate Solstice which i would love to know more about.  But do Muslims celebrate any special events at the end of Dec beginning of Jan?  Or do they tend to follow the secular events of where they live?  Or???  Are there any other religious/non-religious groups that have special celebrations at this time of year?  Just curious realized I didn't know a lot more than Christmas and Hannakuh for this time of year.

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Chinese celebrate winter solstice (冬至)where we have rice balls and a big spread of food. It is a cultural festival and the food for the feast depends on the region in China and how good the harvest is. My family had a roasted duck, a chicken, fish and lots of snacks.



In modern times. the variety and amount of food is more of how big the family gathering is on that day and what the host can afford to buy. My maternal grandparents rear chickens for eggs so they can just slaughter one. My parents just buy from the butcher.



It is also the unofficial start of spring cleaning to get the house presentable for Chinese New Year. We have 15 days of Chinese New Year and guests just drop by.

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