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For those that use Heart of Dakota


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I'm curious how much time is spent daily in the read-alouds?  I'm thinking that if I make this switch, I will have two separate HOD packages and the reading could overwhelm me.  I remember reading about an option to only do one of the read-aloud packages, but I don't know if I would be doing the ones for the older child or the younger child. 


I hope someone here has used this program and can help.  If it makes a difference, I'd be looking at Preparing and RtoR.



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I am currently using Preparing, and I probably read aloud to him around 30 minutes a day.


I am also using CTC, and he reads the main history spine but the reading aloud for story time and together Bible study / Geography is also around 30 minutes a day.


I would say the reading aloud for Beyond that I am doing is around 20 minutes a day.


I also do a morning Bible together that is around 15 minutes.  


The total reading aloud a day for me is around 1 1/2 hours, give or take 20 minutes, with 3 guides.  For me the reading aloud is a nice break from teaching that I enjoy.  


I hope that helps.

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You can choose to do the read alouds from only 1 of the packages if you would rather. In your case I would choose to read the preparing read aloud so that the younger child isn't bored with the books when he gets to RTR. You could have your RTR student either skip the read alouds or read them on his own. Fwiw all of my children read the story time books on their own. I am running 4 guides and the oldest 3 are strong enough readers to read them on their own. This frees us up to pick and choose different books to read aloud together during story time.

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I often take the read-aloud books from both guides, make a stack and pick which ones I like the best and read to the whole family. :)  Sometimes I will assign what is left to be read independently by an older child.  If we don't get through all read-alouds, I'm ok with that.  Sometimes, we do a few during the summer as well.


(I'm a big HOD tweaker)

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