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PSAT math score - learn from our mistake

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We also saw she filled in the bubbles totally wrong. For an answer of 2 she should have filled it in 0002 (something like that), but she did 2 in the first bubble and left the rest blank. So it recorded 2000. I made up this example bc I dont have it right in front of me but you get the idea!



Check this out.  I seem to distinctly recall our directions to the students (written directions we have to read verbatim) telling them that they can use any column they choose if they do not need them all as long as they leave the others blank.


Quite honestly, I have had some issues with memory lately and I don't really commit these directions to long term memory anyway, but as I read your warning, that jumped up as a flag, so it's worth checking out.  It could be that I'm remembering this from other years, not this one, but if so, I don't recall having to tell them to use the rightmost column that allows their answer to fit and I'm pretty sure that should have been in there if true.


Regardless, it is well worth it to have students take practice tests at home so they are familiar with the mechanics of the test.  I definitely agree there.

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Ok, I had to check it out myself (due to those memory deals).  I was correct!!! 


Here are the directions we get:




And here is a cut and paste from it:


 Note that the answer
grids for questions 29 to 38 move from left to
right; be sure you are marking your answers in
the grid that corresponds to the question you are
working on. You may start your answers in any
column, space permitting. Columns not needed
should be left blank. Examples of proper gridding
for these questions are shown in the test book.
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Yes, sorry, OP, but when I read your post I remembered the instructions for gridding the answers. Here is another link with examples:



Interesting. We will look through carefully again after school. So many of her student produced wrong answers fit that pattern. The exact right answer but followed by 0000 or decimal wrong place etc. Seems strange she would miss so many student produced and nothing else if they didnt mark off for that.

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Interesting. We will look through carefully again after school. So many of her student produced wrong answers fit that pattern. The exact right answer but followed by 0000 or decimal wrong place etc. Seems strange she would miss so many student produced and nothing else if they didnt mark off for that.


Perhaps she did not leave the other columns blank but thought she should X them out or something?  It's worth checking into.

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We need to work all the problems. Everything was along the lines of "right answer 2 instead of wrong answer 2000" so we assumed she bubbled wrong. We'll know more after school. Thanks for the feedback so I don't presume anything until we are sure!

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You all were right, how she filled in the student produced answers wasn't the issue even though she missed 8 out of 10!


She entered into the "quick start" to retry all of the problems she got wrong. I held onto her answer sheet. As she re worked she only missed 7 total in math. Her score would be 610, of course untimed and without the full testing fatigue.


She thinks her issues were:

1. forgot algebra (rectified by being now halfway through algebra 2)

2. Test conditions - early morning and longer, complete test.


From now on she will take complete practice tests early in the morning to simulate test conditions.

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