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How long was Neuropsych Testing start to finish?

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We're now in our 10th week since we had our first session of questions with the neuropsych. First we met with him ("it'll just be a couple hours at most") for 3.5 hours alone, then he tested Ana ("I think we can squeeze it all into one session") for 6.5 hours split into 2 sessions and then he met with me again for another 1.5 hours of questions (husband couldn't come). And he was supposed to call us after he got back from a 1 week conference on Monday before Thanksgiving. As of yesterday still no call so we called him AGAIN! Now he says the school 'won't give him the info he needs' which we thought was odd since Ana's previous school has always been very helpful and accommodating especially with this stuff. So we called them and yep, he was confused and kept insisting he needed to speak to ONE teacher but she is in 6th grade so she had SIX teachers and many specialists which were new for the new school year. They tried to explain that to him but he seemed confused. Oy! 


So yeah, are we the only ones looking at 3+ months to get neuropsych completed from start to finish? Is there anything we can do? 

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Is this a private np or one provided by the local ps system?


With a private np, the initial interview took one hour followed by seven hours of testing, and then there was an exit interview which lasted about 1.5 hours.  I waited about two months to get on the np's schedule for testing.  Once the testing was completed, the exit interview with written report took no more than four weeks.  Outside of a Connor's questionaire, teachers were never consulted. Instead, we presented report cards, writing samples, and all standardized testing results.  

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This is a neuropsych through the local university's psychological clinic. We got on the waiting list last January, waited until September for the call, September 23rd for the first meeting, and now it's been 10 weeks since then :(  I'm so frustrated. I feel like the last year has been a waste educationally because I'm playing whack-a-mole blindfolded. 

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I am assuming this is a PhD student. Absolutely contact his supervisor. We went the same route for testing, and had an excellent experience. They broke the testing into several (6-8?) sessions of an hour or two, and went over every detail thoroughly, because their work was being scrutinized and signed off on by their professor. If you aren't satisfied with his handling of the testing, contact someone in charge.

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It's pretty normal for the assessment sessions to blow out, because if an issue is pinpointed they will do more specific assessments to find out more about that aspect. Bit of a pain re the school not providing information promptly though! I hope you get the results and feedback soon. I know what it's like to be in limbo waiting for evaluations because we had a similar scenario with my Ms. 9 (finally got feedback yesterday in fact, but it's taken many months).

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IsabelC, actually the school has been fantastic, it's just the neuropsych has really poor communication and wasn't listening to them on who he needed to talk to and then got frustrated when the person he insisted on talking to didn't teach any subjects to Ana. We had this issue with him before with insurance, very frustrating! 


Update, so we called the Neuropsych students'  supervisor and tried to kindly but honestly discuss the issues we've had with time frame and such. She seemed not surprised and was very nice and professional about everything and said she'd make sure we got our last appointment before Christmas for sure. Today we got a call finally and we have an appointment for the 17th. That still means about 12 weeks from the start but at least he's not going to leave us hanging over the holiday. 

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First time around, took a year. Now, in recent years, waiting lists for the assessments are 3 yrs long, but once in, you go a few days in a row and get it done. First time around, we saw the first person, and then waited on a list for the second person, and then waited on a list for the third..and so on. Ever since then...it has been "teams" that do the testing and they all work together at once over a period of days. So first time, started testing and finished over the course of a year. Ever since, wait three years to start, but all testing is done in a few days.

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