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6yo needs some extra math help


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I'm thinking I need some supplements for my son to help get his understanding of basic addition and subtracting wrapped up. He is currently using MM 1A and I like the program its just my son seems to forget basic math concepts everyday that we come back to it. I can see he IS making progress but I have been thinking that maybe a break from MM and a good review of adding and take away would be good for him. I know I could just write problems for him but I would like to find a supplement that will be fun-ish and might help him practice in a way that will click for him. He likes using c-rods but I come up short when i try to do a search on addition worksheets using c-rods and am not sure I want to get into Miquon Math since it looks fairly different from MM?

Anyone able to share any suggestions or insight? Much appreciate any responses :)

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I was having similar problems using Singapore with my DD (age 6). I added in MEP Level 1 and it has been fantastic! Math facts and number sense are approached in so many different ways that are reinforcing, creative and fun all at the same time. It's free and I just print and use the lessons I need (and think DD will enjoy and benefit the most from) and skip the rest. Check it out!

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I'm having this same issue with my 6 yr old son.  I JUST started him on MUS Alpha.  I'm going to do a crash course with him through much of Alpha, to help cement those place value concepts and then return to Singapore 1B.  


Course, this is an option for us because we have a zillion math curricula hanging around, lol.  DD8 is using MUS full-time.  

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Two things really helped my children at this age: telling stories, and playing games. Stories give their minds something to work on, thus helping them to visualize and understand math better than numbers alone. And games are low-stress review, always a good thing.


Here are some of my favorite math ideas for this age, from my blog:

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