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Which level of FLL should we try?


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I'm thinking I want to give this a try and am wondering where to start. It would be for my 8 yo who is currently using WWE level 1 and doing some KISS grammar (first level) and doing well with both those. She also does Spelling Workout level C and Wordly Wise 2. I know, doesn't seem like she needs anything else! I am happy with what we have now but am wondering if including FLL might just help her even more? She loves doing language arts so I don't think she would mind another lesson in that subject!

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How old is she?  Because you are using KISS 1 and WWE1 I am thinking this is a very young child. Honestly, I can't imagine doing two grammar programs with any kid, and my kids are grammar ninjas, lol. Many people don't start formal grammar until their child is in the middle grades and the kids do just fine. There is an argument to be made that because grammar is teaching the logic of language, it is best to hold off until a child is older.


If she is a little one, then FLL 1 or 2 is very gentle and my kids liked it very much. FLL3 is more of a traditional grammar program and I used it when my kids would be considered a third grader, but older children might like it as well.


But, really, if this is a little one I think her time is better spent colouring or building with blocks while you read some wonderful books to her.

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She is almost 8 and doing very well understanding KISS. I just had heard a lot of good things about FLL and saw it wasn't too expensive so maybe worth looking at but wanted to get the right level if I did order it. She is doing level 1 of WWE just because it seemed like a program that would be best used in order even if age-wise and grade level speaking she could handle level 2. That's why I wanted to check on FLL and make sure we wouldn't miss too much if we skipped to 2 or 3.

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FLL 3, and you'll most likely want the workbook and the TM. I'd alternate this with KISS, as both would be redundant.


WWE doesn't have to start at the beginning. There's a placement test on PHP, and a more thorough description in the hardback instructor text. The instructor text will also walk you through going at your DD's pace without needing the workbooks.

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If I start on level 3 in FLL should I move ahead to level 3 in WWE? or would it work if we did WWE level 2 and FLL 3? I have noticed level 1 in WWE is a bit easy for her but looking at level 3 and 2 I would be tempted to start her on level 2 for that program.


First of all, I am laughing at myself. You clearly say she is 8 and I didn't see that. This is what happens when I post and make lunch at the same time. Oh brother. I can't even blame lack of coffee, just moving too fast.




Anyway, like someone else mentioned, at the least alternate with KISS because both are an awful lot of grammar. Both programs are fairly comprehensive, and I am not sure either is lacking in anything. FLL 3-4 is scripted, which means you need both the workbook and the teacher's book. The script is in the teacher's book, along with all the instructions and the exercises are all in the consumable workbook.


Now, if you can take anything I say seriously because I am clearly a flake today....


You don't have to have the student in the same levels of WWE and FLL. My boys did FLL 1-4 in years 1-4, but did WWE 1-4 in years 2-5. Both my boys are of the type that will say their hand is going to fall off if I make them write so I use WWE a year 'behind' to allow their poor little hands to catch up. :rolleyes:  Right now my 9 year old is using FLL 4 and WWE 3 and it is a great combo.

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I ordered WWE level 2 and got it today. After going though both books heavily I think it looks like we can skip some things in level 1 and move ahead to book 2 in a few weeks and she will be comfortable with that. I also looked through the FLL samples for about an hour and decided level 3 would be appropriate for my daughter but am still not sure we really NEED to have it. She is doing great with KISS and Wordly Wise so I feel like I might just be getting a little ahead of myself and buying all the workbooks that look half decent just 'cause :)

Thanks for all the input and help in this thread!

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