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Christian Baptism


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1. it is a covenant with God, and a necessary ordinance for salvation. (we believe every one - even those who have never heard of Jesus Christ in this life - will have the opportunity to hear and accept or reject his message.)

2.  N/A  Minimum age for us is eight.

3. must be done by someone who holds the priesthood - and has the authority to perform/record the ordinance.  ("my house is a house of order")

4. see 1

5. we believe one must be completely submerged.  Just like Jesus was.


This is pretty similar to my belief as well, except I don't believe that it has to be someone who is ordained that performs it.  It is more about the belief and truth in the heart of the person being baptized.


The church we attended for the last 8 years and the one I identify the closest with will baptize children, but ONLY if the youth pastor and children's director believe that the child 100% knows what they are doing.  There is a series of classes and a book that they have to complete before that determination is made.  


I agree with submersion.  They didn't just sprinkle water on Jesus and the thousands that he brought to His Father, they submerged them.  So I believe that is the way everyone should be baptized.  We are now on the search for a new church because we moved, and these are questions I have posed to any new one I have found.  We are attending a new one Sunday, and I was happy to hear that they agreed with our viewpoints on these things.  It isn't a big deal to some, but it is essential in our search for a church.

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My middle son is getting baptized.  He is currently in a 2 week class that basically walks him through the reasons for Baptism according to our church's doctrine.  Our church does teach believers' baptism and teaches that it isn't necessary for salvation but an outward display of salvation.


However, I actually strongly disagree with our church that immersion baptism is the only way.  I understand why they feel that way, but I don't really agree with it.  I actually was immersed as a believer, but I really don't think God cares how much water is involved.


I also am not entirely against infant baptism.  I understand the idea that it is an outward sign, etc.....but I don't think it has to be done again if you were baptized as an infant.  I understand the concept (according to scriptural reference of baptizing entire families) and don't think it is "wrong" or needs to be redone unless the person feels he/she would like it to be done again.


So, there are some things I differ from my church on.  They aren't important enough for me to leave or change churches, but they have made me think a bit about different ideas within the Christian faith.



This is pretty similar to my belief as well, except I don't believe that it has to be someone who is ordained that performs it.  It is more about the belief and truth in the heart of the person being baptized.


The church we attended for the last 8 years and the one I identify the closest with will baptize children, but ONLY if the youth pastor and children's director believe that the child 100% knows what they are doing.  There is a series of classes and a book that they have to complete before that determination is made.  


I agree with submersion.  They didn't just sprinkle water on Jesus and the thousands that he brought to His Father, they submerged them.  So I believe that is the way everyone should be baptized.  We are now on the search for a new church because we moved, and these are questions I have posed to any new one I have found.  We are attending a new one Sunday, and I was happy to hear that they agreed with our viewpoints on these things.  It isn't a big deal to some, but it is essential in our search for a church.


As a PP said, in the LDS church we are baptized by immersion. We also teach that baptism is a symbol. (Many ordinances are symbolic) We teach that being immersed in the water and coming back out symbolizes the death (and burial) of Jesus Christ and his resurrection.

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