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EMF Foundations Technical Question

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My daughter is taking the first course and has reached the point where it is difficult for her.  Is there a way to go back and try to re-work earlier problems?  Neither she nor I can find a way to do that, but I thought someone posting on one of these boards was able to do that.

Suggestions, advice, guidance?

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Thank you!  For the answer and for answering! :001_smile:


For some reason, I thought that they could re-try problems.  My participation in this program has been minimal, though, and I'm just going off of things that I thought that I read here.


Clear Creek, if you don't mind answering, did your child/children take many of the classes?  If so, did you find it to be of value? We're trying the first one (mostly b/c DD thinks that anything done on the computer is a game and fun), but I'm not so sure that it's going to be worth the money.  I guess my biggest issue is whether the class improves mathematical thinking, but I don't quite know how to measure that. 

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My daughter only took the first class. She enjoyed the class, and I thought she learned quite a bit (I learned quite a bit of number theory myself, lol), but the classes are just far too expensive for us. For the price of one class I can buy a textbook that covers an entire level of math. If we had the money she would definitely have continued with the classes, though.

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