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Older Girl Specific Character Book/Storybook/Devotional


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I would like something that is very serious, not kiddy, or silly...that deals with such topics as:


Self control


care of one's own and others' possessions


not being rude/not interrupting

what to do when lonely, how to find contentment

staying focused/performing one's duties


Our daughter is a bit self focused and immature.  She really needs some concentrated prayer, and loving training on how to be a kind, and self controlled little lady. She is having trouble with her friends, in class situations, and at home and is constantly getting unfocused, hurt, and even injured..  she needs to be able to know ahead of time, what to do in given situations..


Thank you so much in advance.



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Probably not a first pick for this, but American Girl Kaya hits on a lot of those traits. Our library has the original series on audiobook. DD has listened to them several times and picked up some positive behaviors. But, I guess it would depend on your DD's interests too. Definitely not from a Christian perspective, but the stories are about Kaya learning self control, responsibility and more.

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