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Stumbled on this: How Do Unschoolers Turn Out?

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I found this thought-provoking because honestly, I didn't realize there was any research out there at all about unschooling, and also, what he found was far more positive than my impressions of unschoolers that I know. Yes, bias is certainly possible, as he points out. Still interesting findings.

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I think most people here pretty much differential between unschoolers and nonschoolers and don't think intentional, thoughtful unschooling is a bad way to educate some children. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are some unschoolers on the forum. Personally, I'd love to have curious and motivated children that wouldn't sit around playing video games all day if I were to relax enough to be able to unschool. :)

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We will be trying what some may call unschooling this year with DD.  I think of it more as interest-led self study but it's probably the same thing.  She is a simi-motivated person who has interests that range all over the place so it might work.  I know for a fact it would not work for DS.  He only does school because I require particular things out of him.  I even offered to let him decide what he'd do each day and he said no.  He doesn't want to do the work at all so if he has to then he'd rather I just tell him what needs to be done.  Really I'm happy for the article, we need more positive press for all the various ways to homeschool.

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