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Hey exercise gurus, I have a few questions.


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I've been going to Jazzercise consistently for about five months. I noticed a few nights ago that my waist is looking better defined. I am short and about thirty pounds overweight, so I tend to look squarish in the front. I haven't really lost weight (or gained muscle) but I seem to have a slightly more hourglass shape now. Can all those ab exercises they make us do each class really change the shape like that? Or is this my imagination?


Also, most of the time crunchs make my neck hurt. I've tried the suggestions to look up at the ceiling and keep my chin off my chest, but the sides of my neck still clench up terribly. Is there something else I can try? It has always been this way for me, maybe because I carry so much stress in my neck and upper back.


Also, which group classes over the long term have improved your appearance and/or fitness the most? I'm not really talking specifically about fat loss here, but looking more chisled and sleek.

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I've been going to Jazzercise consistently for about five months. I noticed a few nights ago that my waist is looking better defined. I am short and about thirty pounds overweight, so I tend to look squarish in the front. I haven't really lost weight (or gained muscle) but I seem to have a slightly more hourglass shape now. Can all those ab exercises they make us do each class really change the shape like that? Or is this my imagination?


Do you feel as if your core is stronger?  Did you have a relatively weak core prior to exercising?  If yes, then I vote no it is not your imagination!  Prior to getting in shape my core was weak, this was after having two children and not exercising for a couple years.  It seemed like my muscles were always relaxed and my stomach was always poofed out unless I would actively tighten it.  After getting back into exercise I noticed that naturally my core stayed tighter thus revealing a flatter, more defined midsection.

Also, most of the time crunchs make my neck hurt. I've tried the suggestions to look up at the ceiling and keep my chin off my chest, but the sides of my neck still clench up terribly. Is there something else I can try? It has always been this way for me, maybe because I carry so much stress in my neck and upper back.


My guess is you are using your neck more than your core during crunches.  Are the crunches part of the class?  If not, then I suggest trying other abdominal exercises like the multitude of plank variations.  Where on the ceiling are you looking?  Try looking through the top of your knees or just above them and across the room at an angle toward the ceiling not directly overhead.

Also, which group classes over the long term have improved your appearance and/or fitness the most? I'm not really talking specifically about fat loss here, but looking more chisled and sleek.


My appearance changed the most after I started weight training doing heavy weight at low repetitions.  Specifically I did a program called Starting Strength, a friend of mine did a similar one called Strong Lifts.  I also enjoy Body Step class and Body Combat. 


I think the key is finding something you truly enjoy so you keep exercising over the long term and actually look forward to doing it.  Keep up the great work and congrats on the change to your figure!


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Also, most of the time crunchs make my neck hurt. I've tried the suggestions to look up at the ceiling and keep my chin off my chest, but the sides of my neck still clench up terribly. Is there something else I can try? It has always been this way for me, maybe because I carry so much stress in my neck and upper back.

I had the same issue, and it was indeed the stress I was carrying in my neck and upper back. Getting rid of (enough of) the buried tension via doing a yoga/meditation based stress relief program solved it. Nothing else ever did. (It's actually rather nice, being able to lift my head up for those sorts of exercise without pain (or much pain - I've still got stress there, but less of it).)

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The research is showing that High Intensity Interval Training is best for getting rid of fat. I prefer to do that on my own so I can control the intervals and the intensity, but there are group classes.


I am seeing benefits from Pilates after maybe 6-8 classes. The main benefits so far are in body awareness: I am aware of my posture several times throughout the day and also of what my abs are doing. That is huge because the exercises are generalizing to everyday life. I think that is where I will start to see long-term change.


I also have the sore neck issue with crunches. The Pilates approach is to pretend you have a tennis ball between your chin and chest (or you can actually put something there. I roll up a wash cloth.  The instructor checked my form and it was what it was supposed to be. She told me that sometimes it can be weak neck muscles and that hers would hurt at first and suddenly they stopped hurting as she got stronger.


Good luck whatever you choose!

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I also have the sore neck issue with crunches. The Pilates approach is to pretend you have a tennis ball between your chin and chest (or you can actually put something there. I roll up a wash cloth.  The instructor checked my form and it was what it was supposed to be. She told me that sometimes it can be weak neck muscles and that hers would hurt at first and suddenly they stopped hurting as she got stronger.

  I thought I heard that before, I was thinking apple.  Good advice.

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