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We have started with King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table with the teacher and study guide and we love it.

My fifth grader is an avid reader though.

I see no cons, it adds to the reading and helps her get more from the story. It also helps with her writing and grammar. 


We will be doing Robin Hood next and then the other two novels in the fifth grade literature with the study guides.

We do two a month as required reading for Literature.

I plan on purchasing the sixth grade literature set too and one of the poetry ones.

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We use the guides without the Teacher's key. My 2nd Grader did Sarah Noble, Little House in the Big Woods, D'Aulaires Greek Myths, Mr. Poppers Penguins and Beatrix Potter this year. They were great. My ds really improved in "going back to the text," figuring out vocab in context... and also using the dictionary and reading for information. I would say that we did about 1 per month (with the exception of Greek Myths - which took at least to months.) My ds did 1-2 pages a day and just worked straight through. If the page was particularly difficult (i.e. lots of writing) he *may* have been allowed to take 2 days on it.

*You could just use the teacher's key and have your dc answer verbally or in a separate notebook but we liked having a neat little collection.


I also can't say enough good things about Storytime Treasures (and More Storytime Treasures) which my 5yo 1st grader used this year. They were fantastic, age appropriate and, in the end, made a lovely keepsake of her reading this year. - for this program I would recommend the consumable book b/c it really does provide a nice structure for that age/ grade level.

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We use just the teacher's manual. I read aloud to my 12, 9, and 7 yr old (this year we'll be reading Anne of green gables, the lion the witch and the wardrobe, treasure island and the moffats, so a mix of grades) and we discuss the questions. If we're not crunched (which we usually are), we may have a spelling bee with the vocabulary. Some of the enrichment activities are assigned to be done independently (like drawings, state reports, etc) if I think they're fun and not too time consuming. I like to regard our read aloud as a book club for beginners so that's why we do everything orally. In the past I bought both the student and teacher, but tweaked it to work better for us (and it's cheaper!)

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You can get by just using the teacher guide and having the kids write their answers in a standard notebook and then grading that, but we purchased the student books also this year.  I do think the MP literature books are well done and add quite a bit, especially with vocabulary and common/legacy expressions and word phrases.

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