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Best grammar and mechanics program for 9th for the technical, science-oriented student

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Can anyone recommend some grammar and language mechanics programs suitable for a 9th grader who is interested in more technical, science-oriented writing?  He does not want the free writing, expressive, flowery writing exercises at all. I want something that covers all of the basics and beyond, but that is written to his level, and not dumbed down.


Any recommendations?  Many thanks!

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Three books that I really like, (as a super technical, non-flowery person):


  1. The Elements of Style, by Struck & White
  2. The Lively Art of Writing by Lucile Vaughan Payne
  3. A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston


The first two together would make a great course in composition.  The third book is a slightly more advanced take on how to write quality essays and would be extremely beneficial for anyone heading to college. 


The Lively Art of Writing includes exercises at the end of each chapter that can be completed using pretty much any topic you choose.  There is a workbook put out by the publisher for A Rulebook for Arguments and I've seen a free workbook floating around for Elements of Style. 


... Edited because I am a horrible speller.

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If his grammar is good when he speaks and write, then he need not continue a formal study of grammar, IMO. I think IEW is a good program for those who like a methodical approach, so it might be a good fit. In high school, he would start with Student Writing Intensive Level C. If he does need a grammar review, Analytical Grammar is a basic, no frill program that gets the point across. 



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