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Point of View Activity


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I'm looking for an activity that relates to point of view.  I'm thinking that there's a scenario and 2-3 kids act out the same scene, but from a different point of view.  Have you seen anything like this in your web travels? My google searches are failing me.  Perhaps because I'm being clear as mud??  



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I don't know how old your kids are, but we did a couple of activities with Fairy Tales:)

I started when I found a cute picture book called 'A Very Smart Pea and the Princess-to-be.' It tells the Princess and the Pea story from the POV of the pea:



I then started looking for familiar fairy tales with stories from alternate points of view. There are lots!

But this website was a big help and has lots of ideas as well:


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I'm looking for an activity that relates to point of view.  I'm thinking that there's a scenario and 2-3 kids act out the same scene, but from a different point of view.  Have you seen anything like this in your web travels? My google searches are failing me.  Perhaps because I'm being clear as mud??  



I haven't seen that one, so I'll be :bigear:


But yesterday, I found this point-of-view freebie, which you may like as well.

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