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The Gettysburg Address-Learn the Address Challenge

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So, last year was the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, and the documentary, challenge to learn it and watch a series of famous people and their recitations was announced. We chose to learn it as a family, but this summer dd4 again asked to make it a fun project. We told her she could choose a method of presentation and she opted to do a puppet show:)


So, she will be reciting the entire Gettysburg address, making a puppet, and designing a theater. We will also be learning the context, so have been reading a handful of books as part of our summer reading program.


Tonight at bed time she asked me if people around the world would be doing the project as well, as "it is so important to remember why all people are important to America. No matter what."

We had a talk about how things that are important get lost in the day to day. But she didn't seem to get that, and was insistent that everybody should learn it and live it (did I mention she saw a billboard with that sentiment!) and decided she wants to encourage people to 'just try it, it's easy!'


I told her I would help.

So, any homeschoolers willing to do this? Memorize the Gettysburg address, make your own video presentation, and upload it to the site before November 19th?


A gauntlet has been laid down...by my 4 year old:)

Any takers?


ETA: here is the site!


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We're reading about the Civil War at the moment, and I've been thinking about having some of the children memorize the Gettysburg Address, so we're up for that part.   


But I'm not planning to record their recitations, let alone share them with the world.  This "national effort to encourage everyone in America to video record themselves reading or reciting (...) Abraham Lincoln's famous speech" sounds like an exercise in vanity, frankly.   What on earth is the point of exhorting 300 million people to upload videos?  Who would want to watch all them all, anyway?   


(Please note that this is not meant in any way as a comment on your four year old's desire to put on a puppet show.  It sounds sweet.  I hope she has a blast.   :001_smile: )

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