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X-Post from Logic Board: Alternatives to Art of Argument

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I posted the following on the Logic Board, but wanted to x-post here, as you guys might have other suggestions for either the timing or the text/curricula for an informal logic class:




I bought the Art of Argument a couple of years ago, and I've tried to read it several times.  I just tried again, as I was planning to use it this year . . . but I just hate it.  I think it's dull, I hate the tone, I just don't find anything about it interesting or engaging. 


So partly I'm wondering if I'm the only weirdo who feels this way?  But that doesn't actually really matter too much - what I really need to know is: 1) what else out there covers logical fallacies (and is secular), and 2) at what point in a student's career is an informal logic course critical? If ever?


I'm planning on studying Metacognition with my kids thoroughly - we'll study psychology, both individual and group, the ways our minds and others' can be deceived, how we think, perceive and judge . . . do we really need a specific class on informal logic?  And if so, what can we use that is secular, and engaging?  


I have Weston's Rulebook for Arguments and Workbook for Arguments, but the latter looks like a high school rhetoric class to me, not like something you would cover in middle school. 

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Rose, why not just get a list off the internet, and hunt down examples in billboards, ads, politics.  You don't need a curriculum I wouldn't think.


And yes, I do think that the informal fallacies are worth not just understanding, but memorizing.  The more you know, the more you see.


Ruth in NZ

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No, you're not the only one to dislike AoA. Bleah! It is poorly written, imo. Wish I had a more constructive idea for you. I like Ruth's, though. That's kind of what we ended up doing.


Have you seen this poster? https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/poster


That's cool! I like it a lot!!


Yeah, the tone drives me nuts.  Teeny boppers and Socrates.  Bleah!

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