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What he has accomplished

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I started homeschooling CrazyPants last year. At this time last summer he was mixing lower and upper case letters in words, didn't see any need to leave spaces between words, had wildly creative spelling, and had difficulty adding and subtracting past a ten. The other day he wrote a stanza of Stevenson's The Swing from dictation, with nearly perfect morphology, punctuation, and spelling. He also added 7 and 5 by breaking 5 into 3 and 2!


He learned other "wow, geez!" things this year (yes, you may greet your aunt with "salve" when she calls), but really, it is the things he found the most difficult that I am most proud of.


I thought of this when I saw this article on my FB newsfeed. Drawing is one area where there hasn't been much improvement, though it is one of his favorite subjects. It is discouraging to me to see him not progress. But though he's "just not that good" right now, he's producing over and over. And from that he can, with time, succeed. Just like he has already done with other things.


Have we had a summer brag thread yet? What things did your kids accomplish this past year? Things that made you wonder why and when, and now they do? Anything they are still diligently working on?



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dd5 went from sounding out each and every word to reading quite fluently and with emotion.  This was huge. She also writes more legibly than she did before.


Her autism has made it so she has really struggled to learn how to answer "who, what, when, where, why" type questions in everyday conversation.  Especially "why," I think because it is the most abstract.  She can now answer most of those, although she still struggles, we can eventually work through it and she is getting better every day!

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DD10 has learned to enjoy reading.  Reading was a huge struggle until the end of 2nd grade.  It's no fun when you are sounding out every word.  So for 3rd grade we lightly read for fun.  Box car children, Disney fairies, just fluff books targeted at her age group.  Last year I added in a couple short books for content, Marie Curry etc.  Over the past couple of months she's read Harry Potter 1-4.  It's so nice to see her dive into a book for fun.


Now to encourage spelling, writing, and handwriting.

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