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Where to take Calculus?

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Gotcha.  In that case, then I think the question is how does your ds learn best?  Would he do better with the interaction of a live class (like a local uni. or cc?)  or is he very self-motivated and good at keeping himself on track for a self-paced course like DO?  The PA Homeschoolers class would probably be a good middle ground.  It will be more structured than DO in that there are deadlines to meet, etc.  


My dd is very self-motivated and does well pacing herself, so she loved Derek Owens Calculus this year.  She thrives on having the freedom to work at her own pace, doubling up on things when she feels like it, etc.  For her, DO was the best choice, but for a different student it might not work at all.


I don't have experience with PA Homeschoolers yet, but I'm happy to answer any other questions about Derek Owens. Dd loved the lectures, had great interactions with Derek throughout the year, and was thoroughly prepared for the AP in May.

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He took Pre-Calculus with DO this year and he took much longer to complete the class than he should have. There is not availability to take it at the CC near us until the spring. He has to take the class concurrently with the AP Physics class. So, it would be DO or PA Homeschoolers.

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Just so you know, Kolbe is adding a Calculus class this year. 

More interaction and accountability than DO or PA Homeschoolers.




Twice weekly online video meetings.  Firm deadlines. So quite the opposite of Derek Owens. 

I just love that there's something for everyone.


Kolbe is a Catholic school, but apart from an opening prayer, there's no religion in their math classes.


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