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Vivofit or Fitbit? And which Fitbit would I want?

Renthead Mommy

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I have seen both the Vivofit and the Fitbit.  


I don't care about the sleep part, I can take it or leave it.  I am more concerened with the activity part. 


I need to work on my vertical cardio, so I like the idea of the floors/stairs being counted. Which narrows it down to a Force or a One in the Fitbit I guess. 


I have a stepper and treadmill.  The stepper I have to hang on to handle, and the treadmill I sometimes hang on to the rail as well.  So if I am holding the handle and my arms are not moving, will one of them still register?  


What about biking? If you fasten it to your shoe/ankle will it count those as steps? 


Also I only have a 3g phone, so can not hook it to my phone I guess.  I also do NOT do a cloud.  I do have MacBook.  How does it get the info from the thing to the computer or phone? Do I have to plug it in everyday? 


So what would you suggest?



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I love my fitbit one.  I have an iphone, and it syncs to that, but it can also easily sync to a computer.  When you buy a One, it comes with this little thing that plugs into a USB port on your computer.  You don't plug the fitbit into the computer.  It uses bluetooth to get the info there.  I don't use the cloud either.  Then you sign up on the website and it can sync to there.  You will get emails with your progress and can check it whenever you want.  You can also see on the fitbit itself your steps, calories burned, stairs, miles, activity level, and the time.  I have never used it biking.  If you use a stair climber, it will register steps, but it will not register stairs.  In order to register stairs, you have to climb up and change altitude.  I clip mine onto my shorts or my sports bra top.  I have to charge it about every 1 1/2-2 weeks.  It takes about 1-2 hours to fully charge. 

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I love my fitbit one.  I have an iphone, and it syncs to that, but it can also easily sync to a computer.  When you buy a One, it comes with this little thing that plugs into a USB port on your computer.  You don't plug the fitbit into the computer.  It uses bluetooth to get the info there.  I don't use the cloud either.  Then you sign up on the website and it can sync to there.  You will get emails with your progress and can check it whenever you want.  You can also see on the fitbit itself your steps, calories burned, stairs, miles, activity level, and the time.  I have never used it biking.  If you use a stair climber, it will register steps, but it will not register stairs.  In order to register stairs, you have to climb up and change altitude.  I clip mine onto my shorts or my sports bra top.  I have to charge it about every 1 1/2-2 weeks.  It takes about 1-2 hours to fully charge. 



Thank you.


 Does it come with the Blue tooth thing? I really don't know what that is and have never used it.  Is that just automatically on a computer? I thought they were the things you put in your ear to hook up to your phone.   I just worry because the world likes to tell me how out of date and ancient my perfectly working 3g phone and my 3-4 year old MacBook are how I need to go buy new, up to the mintute ones, like now.  


I stopped at Dick's and asked a few questions there and girl did not even know there were phones in existance that it would now hook up to (I read it on the box thatit only did 4 and up).  Also she only talked about the Flex and the Vivofit, never mentioned the One at all.  I figured here would be a better source of info.  As usual. 

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I recently bought the Zip because I read that the 'stairs climbed' feature wasn't always accurate. I use my Zip basically as a pedometer. DH works out at a gym and his Polar Heart Rate Monitor communicates with the machines there--not sure what that means but he likes it. He uses his Zip to track steps and input calories.

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