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Anyone here with experience re: PAO hip surgery?


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It's a bit of a long shot, as this is not a very common surgery, but my 16-year-old son is having a PAO (periacetabular osteotomy) on his right hip in August. This is quite an extensive surgery involving breaking his pelvis in 3 spots and rotating the bone around for better coverage of a severely shallow hip socket. It's 5 days in the hospital, 8 weeks of completely non-weight bearing, 6 months of physical therapy. Then he gets to do it all over again on the left side. :)


I'm wondering if anyone here, or their child, has been through this that I could connect with and ask a few questions!

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Wow, I have not actually met anyone else that has gone through this.


I don't know if I am really the best person to answer questions as I am in a wheelchair, but mine was a bit of a strange case:(


I was actually injured in the Army, and dislocated both hips...if I had undergone the procedure PRIOR to the accident it might of been a completely different story. Also, I had the procedure done on ONE hip. It turns out I also have an autoimmune issue which complicated the situation, so I did not undergo the surgery on the other hip. I also had an osteotomy of the trochanter itself, to change the angle of the 'ball' part of the joint.

Mine was also 15 years ago, so I imagine much progress has been made!


Still, if I can be of any help, please feel free to PM.


Regardless, sending good thoughts your way. Hip problems are the worst, and added in with the unpredictability of dislocation/subluxation are just misery. I hope everything goes well and the healing is complete.

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